Thursday, March 30, 2006

ctw project

There is only about 17 hours left to the deadline to submit the final paper. No more thinking of health tourism after that. No need to google for Yoga or TCM after that. No need to sit in front of my computer thinking of what words to write after that. No need to keep pushing for things to be done from my 2 group members after that. Great.

As I was saying, the deadline is creeping nearer. And I still have not receive the final draft I required from one of my group members. Great. Maybe that is the thing with going through NS. I like to set a deadline for my group mates to send me stuff. And sometimes they just don't meet the deadline. And I will be not happy?!

I have been sitting in front of my computer every night since monday hoping for them to send me their portions earlier so I can see what can be improved to the paper. Too bad they do not seem to appreciate the idea.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


In life there's really nothing absolutely black or white. There's only different shades of grey.

I like this quote. Its from the great philosopher Wrath.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I am happy... Chelsea lost!!!

That is exactly the my msn nick now. I always feel that life is going to be much more easier if we can be contented with such tiny things.

I talked about simple pleasure before.

Look around you. If the sun is shining, be glad that you do not have to be drenched in the rain. If it is raining, isn't it a nice weather to sleep? There are always reasons for us to remain happy.

Let's learn to be contented with what we have. Life will feel better.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Once upon a time, Wrath was thinking craving for some fast food from a certain fast food chain K**. He entered the branch, thinking of visiting the washroom before making his order. He saw the yellow washing sign placed outside the washroom. As he was thinking of whether he should go find another washroom before coming back to make his purchase, he turned around and saw a ground staff waving him away rudely, signalling for him to make his way to a washroom elsewhere. Amazed at what he saw, he walked straight out of the outlet.

Have a guess at where he went to next.

The M fast food chain.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Reality check

You learn something new everyday.

I realised that I can make extra money by being a coach. To simply put it, as I help the school to buy jerseys or shoes, I can easily quote the school a higher price than I am getting, since most of the time I can always get the things at a discount. Imagine how much I can earn by just quoting an extra 2 dollars for every item I help to purchase?

Obviously I have not earned anything extra so far.

Its ethics.

Monday, March 06, 2006

beachfiesta 06

I went for the event on saturday, not as a player but as a referee. Pretty dumb idea as I hated to referees, yet I agreed to to help out int the event for a senoir of mine who sounded pretty desperate for help. In the end I did not really referee many matches, since they managed to get those more pro in beach rules to help out towards the end of the tournament as more teams got knocked out. So spent most of my day slacking with my teammates, looked at people, at the matches and some beach volleyball towards the end of the day. Maybe should have been more friendly in volunteering to help out in carrying stuff and all that but cannot be too much off a spoil market for my teammates. A reasonable day spent out at the beach, especially since I have not been frequent the sentosa beach for some time. But do not count on my refereeing another beach/indoor volleyball game.

Lessons learnt:
1. Do not be so ready in helping your friends until you find out exactly what its all about.
2. Apply sunblock to cover all your exposed skin. I did not.