Realised I've made very few posts over the past few couple of years... Well, with facebook and twitter, I don't think people do blog often as frequent as it started?
2012 in review
- Change to a new job appointment
With the reorganization of my prev organisation, coupled with the desire and need to move on to experience a new job scope, I moved to my current appointment in Feb this year. Well, so far so good. Good boss and good colleagues, plus good mentors to learn from. Will be some time before I move on again I guess
- Wedding
How can this don't come up right? Been spending a number of months looking for hotels, choosing photos, choosing the gown etc etc in the lead up to the day. Though ended up as predicted (and pre-empted countless times) by my wife that I would leave all the planning to the last min, I still think it was a good show. (Well.. given that I managed to send on the program 10pm the night before, and finish writing the "thank you" script 2 hours before the dinner)
- Honeymoon
Something my wife and myself was looking very much toward to. First time I've actually travelled so far so long. Spent a bomb too. Haha. Well, probably don't have chance to experience a trip like it for quite some time. Local tour? Checked. Self drive? Checked. Thank XD and LJ for contributing part of the trip as their wedding gift for me too.
Forward to 2013
- New Flat
Yes, my flat should be arriving in 3rd Quarter 2013. Can look forward to quite a fair bit of time (and lots of "discussions" with my wife) to source for the desired reno and furnishing. Well... I'll apply the 3 principles of procurement even in my personal life.
- Exercise
Given that I am outgrowing my clothes (including the pants I tailored made for my wedding), I think I need to action. Lets not be too ambitious, can I target just once per week? (Given that my body aches for 4 days after a session of volleyball these days...)
- Upgrade
I spent my 2010 and 2011 completing my part time masters. But what did I achieve in 2012? Nothing in terms of personal upgrading. 2013 shall be a fresh start and lets look forward to achieving something out of office. I'll start by (re)learning malay!
2012 in review
- Change to a new job appointment
With the reorganization of my prev organisation, coupled with the desire and need to move on to experience a new job scope, I moved to my current appointment in Feb this year. Well, so far so good. Good boss and good colleagues, plus good mentors to learn from. Will be some time before I move on again I guess
- Wedding
How can this don't come up right? Been spending a number of months looking for hotels, choosing photos, choosing the gown etc etc in the lead up to the day. Though ended up as predicted (and pre-empted countless times) by my wife that I would leave all the planning to the last min, I still think it was a good show. (Well.. given that I managed to send on the program 10pm the night before, and finish writing the "thank you" script 2 hours before the dinner)
- Honeymoon
Something my wife and myself was looking very much toward to. First time I've actually travelled so far so long. Spent a bomb too. Haha. Well, probably don't have chance to experience a trip like it for quite some time. Local tour? Checked. Self drive? Checked. Thank XD and LJ for contributing part of the trip as their wedding gift for me too.
Forward to 2013
- New Flat
Yes, my flat should be arriving in 3rd Quarter 2013. Can look forward to quite a fair bit of time (and lots of "discussions" with my wife) to source for the desired reno and furnishing. Well... I'll apply the 3 principles of procurement even in my personal life.
- Exercise
Given that I am outgrowing my clothes (including the pants I tailored made for my wedding), I think I need to action. Lets not be too ambitious, can I target just once per week? (Given that my body aches for 4 days after a session of volleyball these days...)
- Upgrade
I spent my 2010 and 2011 completing my part time masters. But what did I achieve in 2012? Nothing in terms of personal upgrading. 2013 shall be a fresh start and lets look forward to achieving something out of office. I'll start by (re)learning malay!
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