Friday, July 04, 2008


I think I used this title for my post for at least a couple of times. But what else can describe my condition now better than the word?

Was feeling unwell on wednesday. But it was just a headache so I didn't really bothered. Anyway after I left Van's house on wednesday actually I felt quite ok to carry on my tasks for the rest of that day, which was to go back to school to work on my port simulation.

Thursday woke up just as fine. Until afternoon started to feel my headache even much worst. Met Xd and Lj at night as Xd's gf's place(without his gf around, another story for another time). Things started to get worst and I felt even worst. Reached home and drank at least 2 litres of water to try and hope will feel better.

Friday morning I ran I fever. My mother was threatening not to let me go KL if I don't go see doctor. So I had to be an obedient child and went to woodlands polyclinic. This is only my second visit as a patient. However it never fail to puzzle me how my fever always subside while I waited for my turn to see the doctor. I took my temperature once when I registered and the second time at the doctor. The temperature dropped form 37.7 to 37.3, which is considered not a fever. The doctor told me it was viral infection and gave me panadol, cough syrup and a flu medicine.

Honestly the panadol was totally useless as I still felt the full effects of my headache for almost the rest of the day.

Pray hard that nothing goes wrong during my 2 days weekend getaway.


Side issue. You know how hard it is to be a joker? When you are serious people think you are joking.


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